What Is A Leader?

We have a leader who does the laundry. And gross laundry at that (i.e., not uncommon to find a poo smear surprise).
I've also seen her cleaning the floor, washing dishes, and always working to solve others' problems. She does all this with humility, grace, and humor that inspire those around her. When I first started, we were reading a book called Leaders Eat Last. I'm regularly reminded that we here at All-Star have the privilege of working for someone who emulates this idea with intentionality, patience, and self-sacrifice. She empowers those around her to do the same.
Two quotes that encapsulate Dr. King's leadership are:
"Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others."
- John Maxwell
"A boss has the title, a leader has the people."
- Simon Sinek